From Inadequate to Proud in 30 Days

From Inadequate to Proud in 30 Days

If you’re like some of the smart women I know, you have a lot of practice feeling inadequate. 

All you have to do is watch tv. Every ad is an opportunity for women to feel not thin enough, pretty enough, good enough. 

You feel inadequate from unintentional practice. You didn’t mean to feel this way. Patriarchy taught it to you. 

The solution is to practice feeling proud on purpose. To undo patriarchy in your brain. 

Because this goes against socialization, some women think it’s arrogant to be proud. 

They mistake feeling proud with bombastic self-aggrandizement. 

I’m here to tell you it is not. 

Feeling proud is simply owning your accomplishments, with no apologies. It’s NOT selling your soul. 

Here’s my practice.

Every night before going to bed, I write down what I’m proud of. 

Little things. Big things. 

I write, "Jamie, I’m proud of you for making a healthy smoothie. 

"Jamie, I’m proud of you for scheduling your tasks and following your calendar. 

"Jamie, I’m proud of you for creating value with your mind, even when you wanted to stop and lay in bed all day."

You're invited to borrow my practice. 

Here are a few prompts to get you started:

  • {Your name}, I'm proud of you for...(mundane task that typically go unheralded) 

  • {Your name}, I'm proud of you for...(something new you're trying out) 

  • {Your name}, I'm proud of you for...(something that was a challenge for you) 

Complete it once a day. Do it for 30 days. 

Before the next interview / negotiation / performance review, re-read your proud list. 

Feel the instant confidence boost. 

Then go kill it. 


P.S. I will teach you to be proud so you can confidently take credit for your ideas at work. So no matter what your boss is saying or not saying, you can show up to claim the value you bring with a commanding voice while standing tall. Proud, not inadequate. If that’s what you want, let’s chat.


[REPLAY] How to Advocate For Your Value In the New Normal

The 2-Word Rule for Praise

The 2-Word Rule for Praise