All tagged negotiation coaching for women

This is Your Brain on Negotiating a Raise

“😥 Ugh, negotiating with Picky Pat (my boss) a couple years ago was so emotionally exhausting that I’d do anything to avoid confronting them again this year, even though I know I’m overdue for a market rate adjustment,” my client said. My client wants to feel confident going into future conversations about the promotion and raise she wants. 

Dos and Don'ts of Asking for a Raise

In the article “Dos and Don’ts of Asking for a Raise,” you’ll learn:

  • What and when to document to build a strong case for your raise

  • How to tailor your ask in a way that minimizes blowback and maximizes respect 

  • Word-for-word suggested scripts from two experts, and so much more 

How to Negotiate as a Woman of Color

"When I think about asking for raise, my anxiety spikes, because what if they say no? I'll feel like a total failure." 

A BIPOC client said this to me the other day.

Read on for the three-step strategy I offered my client, so she can advocate for her career growth with more ease and confidence.