51% Rule of Getting Buy-In

51% Rule of Getting Buy-In

Applying the 51% rule of Political Savvy up-leveled the entire trajectory of my client Karen's career. And you can do it too. 

Karen is a technically competent manager who wants to make a difference, transform the organization, and grow in her career. You can always rely on her to get the job done. 

But she struggled with advancing her ideas and getting them implemented by stakeholders and decision-makers in different departments of her company. 

When she presented her ideas at meetings, the response was lukewarm at best or hostile at worst. 

This was a blow to her confidence. She felt like she was hitting her head against the wall when it came to getting buy-in. 

Then she got coaching. 

I taught her the 51% rule of Political Savvy. It means getting the minimum majority -- or 1% more than half of decision-makers -- already familiar and bought-in on your idea BEFORE the official meeting through a series of informal conversations. 

It means getting clear and strategic ahead of the formal decision-making process, so there are no surprises when the decisions are made. 

It means sitting down with your boss and explaining to her the merits of your ideas, so when you go to present to the cross-functional team, she's ready to go to bat for you. 

It means setting up virtual coffee chats with your peers in Finance and HR and getting their feedback on your proposal, so when you go to pitch the rest of the team, you know exactly how to overcome their objections. 

For Karen, applying the 51% rule of Political Savvy resulted in getting her projects off the ground, gaining the trust of her team, and being recognized as a leader. 

She recently got tasked to spearhead a company transformation project, because of her ability to communicate with stakeholders across the organization. Because she applied the 51% rule of Political Savvy. 

The best part of all this is the impact this has on her self-concept. She sees herself as confident, resourceful, unstoppable.

She is growing her career with the support and buy-in of stakeholders. 

Ad so can you. 


P.S. Do you worry that the 51% rule won't work for you, because you hate to bother people? 

Truth is some people can't be bothered, no matter what your idea is. You can't win them all. 

But other times the itty bitty sh*tty committee -- that familiar voice of doubt in your head --  will try to talk you out of engaging with your prickly boss or a potential mentor with thoughts like, "I'm going to bother them. They won't like it. What if I tick them off?" 

Only to find out later that these same people were bothered you DIDN'T reach out to them. 

You can't read people's minds, but you can manage your own. I will teach you how to override your own itty bitty sh*tty committee so you -- not the committee -- take charge of your career trajectory. 

In a 60-min conversation, I'll help you identify your blindspots and build a custom plan so you know exactly how to override doubt and muster courage to take action. CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR A CONSULT

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