The "Holy Grail" of Office Politics

The "Holy Grail" of Office Politics

When you’re that rare woman, one of the handful of people of color, or the neuro-sparkly oddball in leadership…

Navigating office politics and advocating for yourself is spiritual work.

No, I’m not talking about crystal healing, tarot readings, or making offerings to the goddess Kali (though power to you if that’s your thing).

And it’s not just because enduring the thousand papercuts of microaggressions and corporate BS in pursuit of meaningful career growth feels like chasing the holy grail.

Nor is it because, in a hundred years, we’ll all be dead, and your frustration over backstabbing Chris will be a long-forgotten, infinitesimal blip in time.

The work of moving through power dynamics and coping with miscommunication while staying true to yourself is spiritual work—because of who you are.

Whoever you think you are right now, know this: you are more.

More than your age, gender, race, sexuality.
More than your job title, salary, or the number of direct reports.

More than the endless to-do list of what makes a "good" manager or leader.

You are more than your inner critic, the itty bitty shitty committee, or the labels and beliefs that create that constriction in your chest.

You are beyond words.

Beyond the trillions of cells in your body.
Beyond the millions of miles of neural connections in your nervous system.

Beyond the edges of your wildest imagination.

This work is spiritual because it requires faith—the willingness to trust in the vast, unknowable greatness of you.

That’s why I’m calling the open and free class next week: Zen & The Art of Office Politics.

Not because I’ll be teaching you how to meditate on the inherent emptiness of all forms.

And definitely not because I want you to conform to any religious dogma (I'm allergic to stuff like that).

But because Zen is a philosophy that helps us think beyond the small and impermanent.
Beyond the ways we suffer in the tangled mess of power dynamics, miscommunication, and corporate chaos.

Zen challenges us to see differently. To let go of the noise and focus on what actually matters.

Next Friday 3/28 at the hour-long group session, we’ll explore together how to navigate office politics with clarity, self-trust, and strategic calm.

Ahead of next week's session, I’ll be sharing a practical guide to help you reflect, prepare, and navigate office politics—whether or not you can attend the live event. So stay tuned!

See you soon!


P.S. BTW, If you want to read about my recent encounters with real-life Korean Zen Buddhist monks here in NYC, you can check out my personal Substack here:

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