What to Say When You're Asked an Inappropriate Question at Work

What to Say When You're Asked an Inappropriate Question at Work

Being asked, “Are you gonna have kids?” after you present a vision for your new department.


Or “Where are you *REALLY* from?” when you, a person of color, share that you’re from New Jersey to mostly white team of colleagues.

Sexism. Racism. We encounter them in the workplace.

Here’s the thing to remember when you encounter other people’s biases:

👉🏼 Their biases limit their imagination for what’s possible.

👉🏼 But it can never diminish YOUR capacity to get things done and to lead.

👉🏼 If they act on their biases, you get to decide where and how you bring the gift of your contributions. But it does not have the power to diminish your capacity. Ever.

It's frustrating when these moments of bias arise, but how you respond is where your power lies. You can address these situations with confidence and grace, and I've got just the tools to help you do that.

Here are three scripts for responding to inappropriate questions at work (adjust your level of sass to your liking).

Navigating bias in the workplace can feel draining, but you don’t have to do it alone. Whether it’s handling inappropriate questions or rising above office politics, having the right strategies in place at the right time can make all the difference. When you’re equipped to respond with confidence, you not only protect your peace but also reinforce your leadership.

Ready to take charge of these moments and rise above them?

Book your free 1:1 consultation with me today. Because with the right support, you have the capacity to thrive while advocating for yourself with your head held high and with confident self-possession. Regardless of who’s asking weird questions.

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