All tagged Office Politics

The Real Challenge to Getting Buy-In (Case Study)

😤 “She was dismissive of me in a meeting I led. She thinks she’s smarter than me,” a client vented today in a coaching session.

My client is a newly hired team lead, assigned a hiring budget and project mandate.

When I ask her why she needs the buy-in of the person who’d been dismissive, she says, “That’s how I’ll know I can do this.”

Walking a "Tightrope" as WOC Leader

The plagiarism accusation against Harvard President Claudine Gay reveals the intertwining of office and race politics in higher education. Women of color leaders often face heightened scrutiny due to systemic biases in the workplace. As an executive coach for women, I help WOC leaders who feel like they're walking a narrow "tightrope." To hear it in action, listen to an actual coaching segment.