What My "Evil" Grandma Taught Me About Money

What My "Evil" Grandma Taught Me About Money

There were days in my childhood when there were no adults in the room to serve me a hot meal when I was hungry, or to give me a word of encouragement when I felt discriminated against in a white neighborhood. 

My immigrant parents WORKED their fingers to the bone, every single day (except for New Year’s) and we still couldn’t afford vacations, SAT tutors, or even a single painting  on the walls of our two-bedroom apartment. 

Then when they divorced, my mom had to take on the burden of keeping food on the table and roof over the heads of three strong-willed girls. 

She paints nails . She put all three of us through college without a single cent of support from my dad. 

So I know the value of a woman making her money. The impact it has when a working mother provides. 

That’s one of several reasons I’m so passionate about helping professional women get bolder, braver and better paid. 

But I also know money is NOT everything. 

My paternal grandmother was a self-made millionaire back in South Korea, where I was born. 

But it didn’t make her a better person. 

She didn’t stop harassing my mother for the unforgivable sin of bearing no sons. 

I never saw her happy -- only miserable, or enraged, or grabbing at the roots of her own hair, while cursing at my own poor mother. 

Money didn’t turn my grandmother into an evil ogre, but having millions of it didn’t heal her wounds, improve her relationships, or stop her  from stinking. 

Fast forward a few decades from my childhood, and now I make money helping women generate the confidence to make greater sums of money. 

But money is not everything in my coaching. 

Money is simply a bonus byproduct of having honored the limitless capacity of the human mind and soul, of having cultivated courage and conviction in the face of difficult circumstances. 

Honoring your humanity and taking courageous action enable you to be gainfully employed, to be present and available to those you love when you're not working, so you can experience the joy of a well-lived life. 

That's the real reason I coach. For reasons bigger than money. 

These reasons compel me to make a new decision in my coaching practice. 

I'm now committing 25% of my coaching practice to sliding scale fee, to help uplift those whose current realities look like my childhood (or my mom's reality when I was a kid). 

For more on this, as well as my money philosophy, you can listen to my podcast by clicking HERE

If you want to find out exactly how coaching will help you generate genuine confidence that creates the ripple of positive change...starting with you, your career, your income, then expanding to touch the lives of people you love and future generations, book your free 1:1 consultation with me today.

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What My Mom Taught Me About Women's Financial Empowerment

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