A Reason to Not Buy Coaching From Me

A Reason to Not Buy Coaching From Me

I turned away a prospective client earlier this week. She’s someone who’d fit my “best fit client” profile (if you’d excuse the marketing speak). 

Smart, competent, promoted in the STEM field. A potential feminist hero 🦸‍♀️! 

But I told her perhaps she shouldn’t buy coaching from me, because deep down there was a part of her yearning for a career break. 

A well-earned sabbatical. 

And I encouraged her to genuinely open herself to that scary AF option. 

Which might disappoint her mom,

Which could mean contending with the thought that she’s “giving up.” 

But here’s the thing. 

If you’re so very unhappy at work, and true contentment is what you’re really after — then stop investing in more effort, more work, more ways to “fix” yourself into a stifling conformity of other people’s expectations. 

Stop giving work (or your difficult boss) more power. 

Don’t give your money away to so-called experts (including me) if that’s what you really want.

Do the unthinkable. 

Allow yourself to be nature. 

Allow yourself the cycle of rest and renewal.

The Patriarchs: 10,000 Year Perspective with Angela Saini

The Patriarchs: 10,000 Year Perspective with Angela Saini

Slam Dunk Your Career: Tracy's Story

Slam Dunk Your Career: Tracy's Story