How to Get Promoted by Q4

How to Get Promoted by Q4

Wanna get promoted by Q4?

Here’s how. No funny stuff.

Answer: You have to make CONFIDENT REQUESTS many, many times over, way ahead of the annual review.  

Requests are invitations. 

The more invites you send out, the more likely you get yeses. 

When both the quantity and quality of your invites are high, you elevate the trust, respect, and leadership potential decision-makers see in you. 

But if you’re like most women I’ve worked with, it might feel far-fetched to imagine you comfortably and repeatedly making requests that open doors for you. 

I get it. This is where most of my clients start. 

And here’s where most people get this WRONG.

They look outside themselves for confidence. Without realizing —

  • You don’t have to work past midnight to prove you’re good enough for the job you have.

  • You don’t have to beat yourself up and rehash last week’s 1:1 for the umpteenth time to figure out the magic sequence of words that’d get your boss to finally see and treat you differently.

  • You don’t have to read 37 Harvard Business Review articles on communication best practices…without actually putting any of them into action (been there too).

When you look outside yourself for confidence, it’s like getting on a crowded local bus at the peak of rush hour, as it heads toward the jammed-up tunnel.

animated gif of The Simpson's character Principal Skinner saying, "Nope" as he waits for traffic ahead of him to pass. He's behind the wheel of a bus.

This is the tunnel of doom and gloom, where you meet the familiar stuck questions:

“What if I look like a total novice compared to white-haired Gary? How do I talk about why they should promote me, without sounding like a self-promotional blowhard? What if I haven’t done enough to exceed expectations, because I’ve been so busy putting out fires non-stop since the re-org? 

Maybe I should wait to make a case for my promotion until someone above me provides more clarity. But I don’t even trust any of them to have a good understanding of I what do and why. Ugh…” 

The bus inches forward at a snail’s pace.


Let me walk you to the sunny shortcut (work with me here, this is a metaphor). The shortcut that’s available RIGHT NOW, INSIDE you. A shortcut that’s like a stroll through a flowering garden, where birdsong and a vitamin D boost await you.

And let me show you the wellspring at the heart of this place where you can access an endless supply of resilience and ideas to make requests without ever getting the urge to stress-eat.

This well is bottomless.

After a while, giving and receiving feedback becomes a walk in the park, as you take in only the useful part of what was said to you or about you, letting the rest roll right off of you, like water off a duck’s tail. You follow up with concrete requests that solidify problem-solving and skill-building for you (and your team) in a frictionless way.

You notice yourself having less and less and then zero hesitation in asking for the resources, time, and buy-in you need to add value in a meaningful and visible way.

People start taking notice. They start telling themselves, “She’s focused, knows her stuff, and is motivated to grow. I’ll keep in mind what she asked for.”

White-haired Gary starts consulting you for advice.

When you sit down with the right decision-maker, your request for their allyship comes off confidently, like the no-brainer it is.

So much so that when senior leaders sit down behind closed doors to make the call on who gets promoted, your name is mentioned repeatedly by people who’ve gladly met your requests for their time and attention.

Your promotion and raise — a done deal. Congratulations.

Inside my 1:1 coaching series, I hold your hand and walk you to your own wellspring. I help you help yourself to the continuous flow of creativity, curiosity, and resilience — the power inside you. 

So you know how to make high-quality, confident requests pretty much anywhere you go.

When I say “anywhere,” I mean it. If you decide it’s actually time to elevate your career elsewhere, you can redirect that confidence to apply, interview, and cinch a new job opportunity that fits better and pays better.

Become this person. In six months, I’ll get you there and then some.

Like I said, no funny stuff.

We get started on an absolutely free consultation, where we ensure it’s a slam dunk fit before you commit to anything.

If there is a fit, then I guarantee you will see results right away, or I give you your money back. 

Today is the day to get started. Book you free consult now.

Talk soon,


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